Let the Storm Rage On

Let the Storm Rage On

Common, Normal

(A character with cost 3 or more can tap to sing this song for free.)
Deal 2 damage to chosen character. Draw a card.

The cold never bothered me anyway

# de carte:




Card Type:


Ink Color:






De Disney Lorcana - Rise of The Floodborn

Disponible dans ces packs :

Illumineer's Trove
Illumineer's Trove
Starter Deck Amber Sapphire
Starter Deck Amber Sapphire
Starter deck Amethyst Steel
Starter deck Amethyst Steel
Disney 100 Collector's Edition
Disney 100 Collector's Edition
Illumineer's Quest - Deep Trouble
Illumineer's Quest - Deep Trouble

* Ces statistiques sont basées sur un échantillon de données et peuvent contenir des inexactitudes.

Existe aussi en :

Langue Rareté 1 Rareté 2 Extension # de carte
Common Foil Rise of The Floodborn 199
fr Commune Normale L'Ascension des Floodborn 199
fr Commune Brillante L'Ascension des Floodborn 199

FAQ Carte


Mis à jour le : 23 mai 2024

Source : Lorcana TCG App

Q: Can I play #/1040/# if there are no characters in play?

A: Yes, you can. In this case, you only draw a card.

#2 : Let the Storm Rage on and Ursula Deceiver of All

Mis à jour le : 23 mai 2024

Source : Official App

Q: The only character in play is my #/3470/#, who currently has 1 damage. If I have #/3470/# sing #/1040/#, can I use her What a Deal ability to play it again?

A: Yes. When you play #/1040/#, if there's a character in play, you can choose to deal 2 damage to, you must do so. Even if #/1040/# banishes #/3470/#, you can still user her What a Deal ability. In this case you won't be able to deal 2 damage to a character, as there aren't any in play, but you still draw a card.


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