Let It Go

Let It Go

Rare, Normal

(A character with cost 5 or more can tap to sing this song for free.)
Put chosen character into their player's inkwell facedown and exerted.

It's time to see what I can do
To test the limits and break through

# de carte:




Card Type:


Ink Color:






De Disney Lorcana - The First Chapter

Disponible dans ces packs :

Starter deck Amber Amethyst
Starter deck Amber Amethyst
Starter deck Sapphire Steel
Starter deck Sapphire Steel
Starter deck Emerald Ruby
Starter deck Emerald Ruby
Illumineer's Trove
Illumineer's Trove
Gift Set
Gift Set

* Ces statistiques sont basées sur un échantillon de données et peuvent contenir des inexactitudes.

Existe aussi en :

Langue Rareté 1 Rareté 2 Extension # de carte
Rare Foil The First Chapter 163
Promo Foil Promos Cards 41/P1
fr Rare Normale Premier Chapitre 163
fr Rare Brillante Premier Chapitre 163

FAQ Carte

#1 : For All Merlin Animal Forms

Mis à jour le : 20 déc. 2023

Source : Lorcana TCG App

Q: If Merlin is chosen by the effect of #/401/# and placed into my inkwell does his ability trigger?

A: Yes it does. Being placed into the inkwell facedown is treated as leaving play.


Mis à jour le : 23 mai 2024

Source : Official App

Q: My opponent plays #/401/# and chooses my #/3522/# to put into my inkwell. Do I gain lore from her ability Do You Know Who You Are?

A: No. You can only use #/3522/#'s Do You Know Who You Are? ability if she's in play when a card is put into your inkwell. When a character in play is put into a player's inkwell, the character first leaves play and then is put into the inkwell. This means #/3522/# isn't in play to see a card being put into your inkwell, so you can't use her ability. Note that this is still the case if #/3522/# was shifter and there's sa card underneath her.


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