

Deceiver of All

Legendary, Foil

WHAT A DEAL Whenever this character sings a song, you may play that song again from your discard for free, then put it on the bottom of your deck.

"I don't want much–just the most powerful lore!"

# de carte:




Card Type:


Ink Color:










Character type:



  • Sorcerer
  • Villain

De Disney Lorcana - Into the Inklands

Disponible dans ces packs :

Starter deck Amber Emerald
Starter deck Amber Emerald
Starter deck Ruby Sapphire
Starter deck Ruby Sapphire
Gift Set
Gift Set
Illumineer's Trove
Illumineer's Trove

* Ces statistiques sont basées sur un échantillon de données et peuvent contenir des inexactitudes.

Existe aussi en :

Langue Rareté 1 Rareté 2 Extension # de carte
Legendary Normal Into the Inklands 91
Enchanted Foil Into the Inklands 212
fr Légendaire Normale Les Terres d'Encres 91
fr Légendaire Brillante Les Terres d'Encres 91
fr Enchantée Brillante Les Terres d'Encres 212

FAQ Carte

#1 : What a Deal timing

Mis à jour le : 23 mai 2024

Source : Official App

Q: When can I play the additional song using #/3470/#'s ability What a Deal?

A: When using the What a Deal ability of #/3470/#, you must play the song immediately after you played it the first time. You can't wait until later in the turn.

#2 : Let the Storm Rage on and Ursula Deceiver of All

Mis à jour le : 23 mai 2024

Source : Official App

Q: The only character in play is my #/3470/#, who currently has 1 damage. If I have #/3470/# sing #/1040/#, can I use her What a Deal ability to play it again?

A: Yes. When you play #/1040/#, if there's a character in play, you can choose to deal 2 damage to, you must do so. Even if #/1040/# banishes #/3470/#, you can still user her What a Deal ability. In this case you won't be able to deal 2 damage to a character, as there aren't any in play, but you still draw a card.

#3 : The Boss is On a Roll with Ursula Deceiver of All

Mis à jour le : 23 mai 2024

Source : Official App

Q: My #/3470/# sings #/3442/#. I choose to place 4 cards on top of my deck and 1 card on the bottom. If I use her What a Deal ability to play #/3442/# again and choose to put 1 more card on the bottom of my deck, where does my copy of #/3442/# go in relation to the other cards I placed on the bottom of my deck?

A: #/3442/# will be the bottom-most card of your deck, regardless of how many cards you put on the bottom of your deck each time you played it. The card played a second time with #/3470/#'s ability What a Deal is placed on the bottom of your deck after its effect has finished.


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