On Your Feet! Now!

On Your Feet! Now!

Rare, Foil

Ready all your characters and deal 1 damage to each of them. They can't quest for the rest of this turn.

"Catch them! Before they get away!"

# de carte:




Card Type:


Ink Color:




De Disney Lorcana - Into the Inklands

Disponible dans ces packs :

Starter deck Amber Emerald
Starter deck Amber Emerald
Starter deck Ruby Sapphire
Starter deck Ruby Sapphire
Gift Set
Gift Set
Illumineer's Trove
Illumineer's Trove

* Ces statistiques sont basées sur un échantillon de données et peuvent contenir des inexactitudes.

Existe aussi en :

Langue Rareté 1 Rareté 2 Extension # de carte
Rare Normal Into the Inklands 130
fr Rare Normale Les Terres d'Encres 130
fr Rare Brillante Les Terres d'Encres 130

FAQ Carte

#1 : On Your Feet! Now! with Resist

Mis à jour le : 23 mai 2024

Source : Official App

Q: If I have a character with Resist +1 in play when I play #/3509/# will that character be able to quest after I ready him?

A: No. #/3509/# affects all of your characters that are in play for each of its effects. First it will ready them and deal 1 damage to each of them. Those with Resist +1 will reduce that damage by 1 before any damage is dealt to them and receive no damage. All your characters will be unable to quest the rest of the turn, even if they were ready when #/3509/# was played and even if they didn't receive damage from it.


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