FAQ - Star Wars: Unlimited

You can find below the list of frequently asked question for Star Wars: Unlimited. As a connected user, you can also add and modify the FAQ items if you found one missing or incorrect.


#/3167/#’s leader ability still can be used as an action even if no enemy unit left play this phase (but it heals no damage from your base).

Last Update: 03/30/2024

Source: Official Site


If #/3167/# is defeated simultaneously with other enemy units, you still get to heal damage.

Last Update: 03/30/2024

Source: Official Site


Abilities that refer to a card’s cost always refer to its printed cost, regardless of modifiers.

Last Update: 04/02/2024

Source: Official Site


Abilities that let you play a card require you to pay that card’s cost unless specified otherwise.

Last Update: 03/31/2024

Source: Official Site


#/3926/# can be assigned more damage than his remaining HP.

Last Update: 03/30/2024

Source: Official Site


#/3926/# is defeated passively as soon as the regroup phase starts if he has damage on him equal to or greater than his remaining HP.

Last Update: 03/30/2024

Source: Official Site


If #/3926/# is attacked by a unit with Overwhelm, there is no excess damage if he is not defeated.

Last Update: 03/30/2024

Source: Official Site


If you use #/3172/#’s leader ability, you must attack with a Rebel unit, if able. Units must be ready in order to attack.

Last Update: 03/30/2024

Source: Official Site


For abilities that encompass multiple actions, resolve each action (and any resulting triggers) sequentially.

Last Update: 03/31/2024

Source: Official Site


A unit must survive an attack to trigger its “when this unit completes an attack” abilities.

Last Update: 04/02/2024

Source: Official Site


#/3173/#’s leader ability still can be used as an action even if you haven’t played a Villain card this phase (but it deals no damage).

Last Update: 03/30/2024

Source: Official Site


Abilities that refer to a card’s power include temporary modifiers.

Last Update: 04/02/2024

Source: Official Site


The unit chosen by #/3174/#’s ability can exceed 3 power after the damage is dealt (for example, if the unit has Grit).

Last Update: 03/30/2024

Source: Official Site


If you use #/3175/#’s leader ability, you must attack with a unit, if able. Units must be ready in order to attack.

Last Update: 03/30/2024

Source: Official Site


#/3176/#’s leader ability can still be used as an action even if you haven’t dealt 3 or more damage to a base this phase (but it deals no damage).

Last Update: 03/30/2024

Source: Official Site


Any card you control or ability you resolve that deals damage is considered damage dealt by you.

Last Update: 03/30/2024

Source: Official Site


#/3180/#’s ability’s requirement to defeat a resource remains active even if he is defeated or changes zones before the start of the next action phase.

Last Update: 03/30/2024

Source: Official Site


If you use #/3181/#’s leader ability, you must attack with a unit, if able. Units must be ready in order to attack.

Last Update: 03/30/2024

Source: Official Site


Ambush is an ability that triggers at the same time as “When Played” abilities. If there is no enemy unit that can be attacked, the unit does not ready.

Last Update: 04/02/2024

Source: Official Site


If #/3196/# is the only friendly unit in play, it must be chosen by its “When Played” ability.

Last Update: 03/31/2024

Source: Official Site


If #/3931/# is defeated simultaneously with other enemy units, you still get to give Experience.

Last Update: 03/31/2024

Source: Official Site


If there are multiple opponents, the controlling player chooses which one will be “an opponent.”

Last Update: 04/02/2024

Source: Official Site


After searching your deck, shuffle it.

Last Update: 03/31/2024

Source: Official Site


Always discard from the top of a deck, unless an ability specifies otherwise.

Last Update: 03/31/2024

Source: Official Site


Units must be ready in order to attack.

Last Update: 04/02/2024

Source: Official Site


The cost reduction from #/3934/#’s “On Attack” ability remains active even if Bendu is defeated.

Last Update: 03/31/2024

Source: Official Site


Abilities that give token upgrades are not discounted. Token upgrades are not “played.”

Last Update: 03/31/2024

Source: Official Site


Abilities that refer to a card’s “name” do not include the subtitle of the card.

Last Update: 04/02/2024

Source: Official Site


Units that can’t attack bases can still damage bases through other abilities, like Overwhelm.

Last Update: 03/31/2024

Source: Official Site


You can only choose to deal damage equal to the amount of damage removed.

Last Update: 03/31/2024

Source: Official Site


After searching, put any cards not chosen on the bottom of your deck in a random order.

Last Update: 04/02/2024

Source: Official Site


“Combat damage” is only the damage dealt during the “deal combat damage” step of an attack.

Last Update: 04/02/2024

Source: Official Site


“Play for free” ignores all resource costs, including the aspect penalty, but not other additional costs.

Last Update: 04/02/2024

Source: Official Site


A unit “attacks and defeats a unit” if it defeats the defender at any point during the attack.

Last Update: 03/31/2024

Source: Official Site


Shields prevent all damage from a unit with Overwhelm. There is no excess damage since the defender is not defeated.

Last Update: 04/02/2024

Source: Official Site


If the defender is defeated during an attack before combat damage is dealt, all combat damage is considered excess damage for Overwhelm.

Last Update: 04/02/2024

Source: Official Site


You can choose to assign more damage to a unit than it has remaining HP.

Last Update: 03/31/2024

Source: Official Site


All damage dealt by a single ability is dealt simultaneously.

Last Update: 03/31/2024

Source: Official Site


Abilities that return a card to hand must choose a card in play unless otherwise specified

Last Update: 04/02/2024

Source: Official Site


You must attack with a Rebel unit, if able. Units must be ready in order to attack.

Last Update: 03/31/2024

Source: Official Site


If #/3928/# is defeated simultaneously with other friendly units, all “When Defeated” abilities still trigger.

Last Update: 03/31/2024

Source: Official Site


If you use #/3258/#’s ability, you must attack with a unit, if able.

Last Update: 03/31/2024

Source: Official Site


If #/3262/# is defeated simultaneously with other unique units, you still may draw a card.

Last Update: 03/31/2024

Source: Official Site


You may choose whether to draw a card or discard a card and heal 3 from your base.

Last Update: 03/31/2024

Source: Official Site


The chosen unit can still gain new abilities later in the phase, including the abilities it lost

Last Update: 03/31/2024

Source: Official Site


The chosen unit can still gain Sentinel later in the phase from another ability.

Last Update: 03/31/2024

Source: Official Site


#/3287/#’s first ability requires 3 different aspects among other friendly units and she can't be attacked (unless she gains Sentinel).

Last Update: 03/31/2024

Source: Official Site


You must attack with a unit, if able. Units must be ready in order to attack.

Last Update: 04/02/2024

Source: Official Site


If an opponent’s base is defeated by the cost of playing an event, the event’s ability does not resolve.

Last Update: 03/31/2024

Source: Official Site


Bases can’t be healed for the phase even if #/3302/# is defeated after triggering his ability.

Last Update: 03/31/2024

Source: Official Site


#/3317/#’s ability will deal damage to an exhausted leader the turn it deploys, since leaders never enter or leave play.

Last Update: 04/02/2024

Source: Official Site


#/3320/#’s “When you play an event” ability triggers when an event is played but only resolves after the event has fully finished resolving.

Last Update: 04/02/2024

Source: Official Site


Always discard from the top of a deck unless an ability says otherwise.

Last Update: 04/02/2024

Source: Official Site


You may choose whether to ready a resource or exhaust a unit.

Last Update: 04/02/2024

Source: Official Site


If #/3327/# is played by an event, that event counts as another card played this phase.

Last Update: 04/02/2024

Source: Official Site


If #/3328/# is played by an event, that event counts as another card played this phase.

Last Update: 04/02/2024

Source: Official Site


You may choose whether to pay 1 or return the #/3330/# to its owner’s hand.

Last Update: 04/02/2024

Source: Official Site


“When this unit is attacked” triggers at the same time as “On Attack” abilities.

Last Update: 04/02/2024

Source: Official Site


If the defender is defeated by #/3335/#’s combat damage, it does not deal combat damage back. If it survives and has Grit, it deals bonus damage from Grit when dealing combat damage back.

Last Update: 04/02/2024

Source: Official Site


Each upgrade is returned to the upgrade’s owner’s hand.

Last Update: 04/02/2024

Source: Official Site


If you discard a card instead of paying this event’s cost, you ignore all costs, including all additional costs.

Last Update: 04/02/2024

Source: Official Site


If an enemy space unit has Sentinel, #/3944/# cannot attack non-Sentinel ground units. Enemy ground units with Sentinel do not affect Strafing Gunship’s ability to attack ground units.

Last Update: 04/02/2024

Source: Official Site


You may only attack with your own units. Units must be ready in order to attack.

Last Update: 04/02/2024

Source: Official Site


If the defender is defeated by the attacked, it does not deal combat damage back. If it survives and has Grit, it deals bonus damage from Grit when dealing combat damage back.

Last Update: 04/02/2024

Source: Official Site


Always reveal from the top of a deck unless an ability says otherwise.

Last Update: 04/02/2024

Source: Official Site


You must choose a unit before your opponent chooses whether to say “no.

Last Update: 04/02/2024

Source: Official Site


Your opponent may opt to use another method instead of saying “no” as long as they clearly indicate which option they are choosing.

Last Update: 04/02/2024

Source: Official Site