Disney Lorcana - L'Ascension des Floodborn - Disney 100 Edition Collector

Disney 100 Edition Collector

In this page, you can see the pack content and the cards that are included in this format and see the community pull rates statistics if they are calculated.

Pack Content

Content Quantity


4 View Pack

Mickey Mouse, Visage amical

Disney 100 / Brillante

1 View Card

Elsa, Sans gants

Disney 100 / Brillante

1 View Card

Génie, Déchaîne ses pouvoirs

Disney 100 / Brillante

1 View Card

Stitch, Abominable créature

Disney 100 / Brillante

1 View Card

Maléfique, Indésirable

Disney 100 / Brillante

1 View Card

Maui, Demi-dieu

Disney 100 / Brillante

1 View Card