Disney Lorcana - L'Ascension des Floodborn - Deck de démarrage Ambre Saphir

Updated on: 11/22/2023

Deck de démarrage Ambre Saphir

In this page, you can see the pack content and the cards that are included in this format and see the community pull rates statistics if they are calculated.

Those statistics are for the game Disney Lorcana for the expansion L'Ascension des Floodborn in this format: Deck de démarrage Ambre Saphir.

In total, we have received data for 1 Deck de démarrage Ambre Saphir (which represent a total of 60 cards).

This data is input by the community, is on a limited scope and can contains errors in the input. It is not necessarily representative of the actual distribution of the cards of this expansion.

C'est le premier deck pré-construit de Lorcana : L'Ascension des Floodborn. Il contient 2 couleurs : Ambre et Saphir. Les 2 cartes principales de ce deck (les 2 cartes brillantes) sont : La Reine - Autorité naturelle et Gaston - Fort du cerveau. Ce deck contient les 60 cartes suivantes :

Pack Content

Content Quantity

La Reine, Autorité naturelle

Très Rare / Brillante

1 View Card

Gaston, Fort du cerveau

Rare / Brillante

1 View Card

Jean-Christophe, Aventurier

Rare / Normale

1 View Card

Grand Duke, Conseiller du roi

Rare / Normale

1 View Card

Flaversham, Fabricant de jouets

Rare / Normale

1 View Card

Winnie l'ourson, Pense pense pense

Rare / Normale

1 View Card

Timide, Grand Sentimental

Inhabituelle / Normale

2 View Card

Prof, Chef des Sept Nains

Inhabituelle / Normale

2 View Card

Simplet, Toujours enjoué

Inhabituelle / Normale

2 View Card

Gaston, Brute et baryton

Inhabituelle / Normale

3 View Card

Le Fou, Empoté

Inhabituelle / Normale

2 View Card

Grincheux, Sale caractère

Commune / Normale

3 View Card

Joyeux, De nature joviale

Commune / Normale

2 View Card

Dormeur, Tombe de fatigue

Commune / Normale

3 View Card

Atchoum, Très allergique

Commune / Normale

3 View Card

Blanche-Neige, Perdue dans la forêt

Commune / Normale

2 View Card

La Reine, Monarque absolue

Commune / Normale

3 View Card

Peignons les roses en rouge

Commune / Normale

2 View Card

Belle, Inventrice

Inhabituelle / Normale

1 View Card

Cruella d'Enfer, Collection croisière

Commune / Normale

3 View Card

Judy Hopps, Policière optimiste

Inhabituelle / Normale

2 View Card

Maître Hibou, Conférencier à la logique implacable

Commune / Normale

3 View Card

Philoctète, Entraineur de héros

Commune / Normale

2 View Card

Nokk, Esprit de l'eau

Commune / Normale

3 View Card

Quatre douzaines d'oeufs

Inhabituelle / Normale

2 View Card

Projectile de fortune

Inhabituelle / Normale

2 View Card

Arbalète de croc du dragon

Inhabituelle / Normale

2 View Card

Marmite de Gumbo

Commune / Normale

2 View Card

Glace à l'eau

Commune / Normale

3 View Card


1 View Pack

Most drawn cards

Those are the most drawn cards in this format.

Rank Card Image Card Title # Rarity 1 Rarity 2 Average quantity in packs

Least drawn cards

Those are the least drawn cards in this format.

Rank Card Image Card Title # Rarity 1 Rarity 2 Average quantity in packs

Packs most common content

Those are the distribution of cards by rarity that are the most likely to happen for those packs.


  • Commune, Normale: 34 cards
  • Inhabituelle, Normale: 20 cards
  • Rare, Brillante: 1 card
  • Rare, Normale: 4 cards
  • Très Rare, Brillante: 1 card

Les decks de Lorcana des Premier Chapitre et L'Ascension des Floodborn ont les mêmes compositions : 34 Cartes communes, 20 cartes Inhabituelles, 4 cartes Rares, 1 carte Rare brillante et 1 carte Très Rare brillante.

If you have recently opened a Deck de démarrage Ambre Saphir from the L'Ascension des Floodborn of Disney Lorcana, you can login or register here create a new opening and add your cards. They will be added to your collection and also used for the next time we calculate statistics.