Star Wars: Unlimited - Spark of Rebellion - Two-Player Starter

Updated on: 04/04/2024

Two-Player Starter

In this page, you can see the pack content and the cards that are included in this format and see the community pull rates statistics if they are calculated.

This data is for the game Star Wars: Unlimited for the expansion Spark of Rebellion in this format: Two-Player Starter.

In this first pack for Star Wars: Unlimited Spark of Rebellion, you will get all you need to start playing Star Wars: Unlimited as this pack already comes with 2 easy to play pre-constructed decks (one deck with Luke Skywalker as a leader and one with Darth Vader as a leader). It is the best entry point to start your Star Wars: Unlimited adventure.

Those decks were made to introduce new players to Star Wars: Unlimited and they will help you understand the most common mechanics of the game. In this box, you will also get tokens and counters to use during your games as well as the quick start rules.

Pack Content

Content Quantity

Luke Skywalker, Faithful Friend

Starter / Normal

1 View Card

Administrator's Tower, Cloud City

Common / Normal

1 View Card

2-1B Surgical Droid

Common / Normal

1 View Card

R2-D2, Ignoring Protocol

Starter / Normal

3 View Card

C-3P0, Protocol Droid

Starter / Normal

3 View Card

Rebel Pathfinder

Common / Normal

1 View Card

Alliance X-Wing

Common / Normal

3 View Card

Restored ARC-170

Common / Normal

2 View Card

Leia Organa, Defiant Princess

Starter / Normal

3 View Card

Rogue Operative

Common / Normal

1 View Card

Fleet Lieutenant

Common / Normal

3 View Card

Wing Leader

Uncommon / Normal

1 View Card

Yoda, Old Master

Uncommon / Normal

1 View Card

Cloud City Wing Guard

Common / Normal

1 View Card

System Patrol Craft

Common / Normal

1 View Card

Consular Security Force

Common / Normal

3 View Card

Auzituck Liberator Gunship

Common / Normal

1 View Card

General Dodonna, Massassi Group Commander

Uncommon / Normal

1 View Card


Common / Normal

1 View Card

Chewbacca, Loyal Companion

Uncommon / Normal

1 View Card

Vigilant Honor Guards

Common / Normal

1 View Card

Obi-Wan Kenobi, Following Fate

Rare / Normal

1 View Card

Han Solo, Reluctant Hero

Rare / Normal

1 View Card


Common / Normal

1 View Card

Luke's Lightsaber

Starter / Normal

3 View Card

Shoot First

Uncommon / Normal

1 View Card


Common / Normal

2 View Card

Asteroid Sanctuary

Common / Normal

2 View Card

Surprise Strike

Common / Normal

2 View Card


Common / Normal

2 View Card


Common / Normal

3 View Card

Darth Vader, Dark Lord of the Sith

Starter / Normal

1 View Card

Command Center, Death Star

Common / Normal

1 View Card

TIE/ln Fighter

Common / Normal

2 View Card

Death Star Stormtrooper

Common / Normal

3 View Card

First Legion Snowtrooper

Common / Normal

2 View Card

Admiral Ozzel, Overconfident

Uncommon / Normal

1 View Card

Admiral Motti, Brazen and Scornful

Starter / Normal

3 View Card

Snowtrooper Lieutenant

Common / Normal

2 View Card

Viper Probe Droid

Common / Normal

2 View Card

Admiral Piett, Captain of the Executor

Uncommon / Normal

1 View Card

Superlaser Technician

Common / Normal

3 View Card

Cell Block Guard

Common / Normal

3 View Card

General Veers, Blizzard Force Commander

Uncommon / Normal

1 View Card

Grand Moff Tarkin, Death Star Overseer

Starter / Normal

3 View Card

Imperial Interceptor

Common / Normal

3 View Card

TIE Advanced

Uncommon / Normal

1 View Card


Common / Normal

2 View Card

Gladiator Star Destroyer

Common / Normal

1 View Card

Emperor Palpatine, Master of the Dark Side

Rare / Normal

1 View Card

Blizzard Assault AT-AT

Uncommon / Normal

1 View Card

Relentless, Konstantine's Folly

Rare / Normal

1 View Card

Vader's Lightsaber

Starter / Normal

3 View Card


Common / Normal

1 View Card

Force Choke

Uncommon / Normal

1 View Card


Common / Normal

1 View Card

Open Fire

Common / Normal

3 View Card

I Am Your Father

Starter / Normal

3 View Card

Maximum Firepower

Common / Normal

1 View Card

Overwhelming Barrage

Uncommon / Normal

1 View Card


Common / Normal

3 View Card


Common / Normal

3 View Card

Pack ratios

This is the distribution of cards by rarity for this pack.


  • Common, Normal: 68 cards
  • Rare, Normal: 4 cards
  • Starter, Normal: 26 cards
  • Uncommon, Normal: 12 cards

In this pack, there are 4 rare cards (2 from Luke Skywalker deck and 2 from Darth Vader deck). You also get an important number of cards that are only available from the starter deck (Luke's Lightsaber, Vader's Lightsaber, R2-D2, C-3PO, I Am Your Father, Leia Organa, Admiral Motti, Grand Moff Tarkin) and Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader leader cards. For the moment, those cards are only available in the starter deck and will not be found in boosters/displays.

If you have recently opened a Two-Player Starter from the Spark of Rebellion of Star Wars: Unlimited, you can login or register here create a new opening and add your cards. They will be added to your collection and also used for the next time we calculate statistics.