Points shop - Terms and conditions

In this page, we will explain how the points shop works, how to earn points and what are the terms and conditions for this points program.

How the shop works

In our points shop, you can exchange the points earned while using MyCollectea for items (for example in can be a booster or a deck from your favorite TCGs like Magic, Lorcana, Star Wars Unlimited...), gift cards (for a Game Shop...) or participating in draws. This points program is reserved to persons having an account on MyCollectea and having accepted the terms and conditions of the program.

The content of the shop and the number of points required for an exchange for items will constantly evolve based on item price and availability in selected partners shops. For the moment, the points program will be limited to Mainland France but we will be looking at expending it in the future.

Requesting an item

In order to request an item, you first need to have the necessary amounts of points available. Points are available after they have been validated and if they are not used or reserved already for other items. If you have points reserved for other items that have not been confirmed yet, you can cancel them from My Profile > Points if you want to use those points for other items. From this page, you can also see your historic of points transactions.

Then, choose and click on an item from the points shop that you are interested in and that is available in your country/region and for which you have enough points. In the item page, read the description as there might be additional rules or information for this specific item. Then, you can request it by simply accepting those terms and conditions and clicking on the Request button. The points will automatically be reserved for this request.

What happens after the request

After having made the request, we will be checking that everything is alright and we will validate it. Then, we will contact you (by email or via the website) if we need further information like your address or your phone number. Those will only be asked and used if required for shipping you your item and we will not use them for any other purposes. If you are minor, please ask your parents before sharing an address and a phone number.

Special case of draws

Unlike normal items for which, after validation, you will be contacted to receive the item, draws work differently. At the beginning, we define a number of participants to the draw (for example 10 participants, but the limits will depends on each draw and will be indicated in the description). Then, as long as there is not 10 participants for the draw, we don't do the draw. If you don't feel like participating anymore, you can remove yourself from the draw from from My Profile > Points. Once we reach the limit of 10 participants, we will validate the participations and draw randomly a person from the list of persons that have participated.

If you are the person that was randomly drawn, you will be contacted to get extra information as indicated in the previous chapter. If we don't receive a reply from you in a reasonable amount of time, we might select and contact another person that also participated in the draw.

You are allowed to participate more than once in a draw if you want to increase your chances of winning.

How points work and how to earn them

A lot of different input done on our website will give you points. Points are not directly credited to your account after you have done each action: they first need to be validated. Then, on a regular basis (likely monthly), we will credit points to your account. Each action doesn't give a fixed amount of points but rather we have a total number of points that we will attribute for a given period (based on the amount of user activity of the previous period and our own earnings for this period) and we will be distributing those points to our users based on the amount of contribution they did on our website in this period. Due to this process, the points might be credited after 45 days to your account.

How to earn points

A lot of input done on MyCollectea will give you points. In general, inputs that are more longer/more difficult or that are more viewed will bring more points. Inputs in French will also be boosted. Here are some example of actions that will bring you points: adding a new Trading Card Game, adding a new expansion set, setting up the characteristics for this game, adding the formats in which those sets are available in and their content, sharing a deck that you have created in the deck builder and adding your box and boosters openings. This list is not exhaustive, other inputs can bring you points. This list might also evolve in time and actions could be removed or added.

Points validation

At the end of the period, we might be reviewing actions to ensure that there are no abuse. Points might be invalidated in those cases: input of false information, deletion of correct information, duplicated information... Also, in case of too much abuse or disrespectful messages in comments and others, we could remove already validated points and even go up to removing access to points program if need be.

Extra terms and conditions

In complement to what we have described above, here are some further terms and conditions:

  • For the moment, we have limited the regions to which items can be shipped to Mainland France. Each item in our shop is associated with one country. If you requested an item that is associated with a country that you don't live in, we will likely not be able to send it to you and we will have to cancel your request. We might be expanding the list of destinations in the future. If you have doubts if you are able to receive an item, you can contact us!
  • The content of the shop as well as item prices in points can be changed without prior notice and nothing can be claimed after such a change. The amount of points required to request the item is the one that is valid when you press the request button.
  • We reserve ourselves the right to cancel points, a request for an item or the entire points program without prior notice, without having to give a justification. In such case, nothing can be demanded or expected in exchange of any rejected request, cancellation of points or closure of points program.
  • If a user doesn't respect the code of conduct for the forums, comments and other inputs on our website, he can be removed from the points program.
  • If you requested an item that is no longer in stock or for which the price has changed at one of partners shop, we will cancel the request. In such case, the points you used will get refunded and you can request a different item or the same item with the updated points requirement.
  • We can't be held responsible if the item is delivered in a bad condition or has not been delivered at all by our partner shop and we will not re-buy it. If such a case was to arrive, reach out to us and we will see if we can get some support from the partner shop.

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